Taming the Wild West of Grooming

Understanding the world of pet grooming, a disconcerting reality looms – the unregulated terrain where virtually anyone can pick up a pair of grooming shears and declare themselves a dog groomer. This lack of licensing requirements has led to a scenario where the expertise of groomers varies wildly, posing potential risks to both pets and their owners. At the WPGA, we recognize the gravity of this situation and have taken up the mantle to champion the cause of safety and professionalism within the industry through the State of New Hampshire as a post-secondary career school in the belief that every pet deserves the care of a well-trained and knowledgeable pet groomer.

The absence of standardized licensing not only jeopardizes the quality of grooming but also raises concerns about the safety and well-being of our pets. Many groomers worldwide are actively working towards industry-wide improvements; however, advocating for licensing standards is not high on the list. Through education, awareness, and collaboration with industry stakeholders, we strive to create an environment where you, the pet owners, can confidently entrust their pets to skilled and educated professionals. By shining a light on the uncharted territories of the unlicensed pet grooming industry, we aim to foster a community that prioritizes the welfare of pets and upholds the standards of excellence in grooming.


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10 Questions to Ask Your Groomer