An In-Depth Guide to Safely Storing and Dispensing Grooming Liquids


1.5-Hour Course $160.00 + one-time enrollment fee $35.00

Are you striving to maintain an efficient, safe, client-friendly grooming or styling business? It's time to master the art of product storage and dispensing – a crucial aspect often overlooked!

This course teaches you to store and use products correctly. Learn to maintain product quality, shop safety, and professionalism. Improve efficiency and safety in your workspace. Your expertise will impress clients. Enhance your grooming business by mastering storage and dispensing techniques.

How to Enroll:

  1. Enroll Now For Incoming students, a one-time enrollment fee is required.

  2. Fill out your online application.

  3. Follow the enrollment instructions emailed to you and begin your training!

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SHED Happens!
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